About me!
- My name is Silke Funk. I am a hand dyer from Soest (in Westphalia)
- My label is called "Funk Fibre" simply because that's my name and I thought it sounded good.
- I am 53 years old and a very slow knitter - one piece at a time.
- I'm crazy about scarves and shawls. Basically anything woolly that I can wrap around my neck.
- I am a trained florist and financed my studies in social sciences by working in a flower shop.
- I have a master's degree in social sciences but have never worked in academia.
- I lived in Wuppertal, Bangladesh, Nepal, India and Berlin before returning to my hometown of Soest.
- I love yarn shops because I meet the nicest people there. (I'm not flattering!)
- I opened this shop because I enjoy designing for "Crafters". And of course because I love experimenting and playing around with colors, textures and wool.