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Funk Fibre



Regular price €26,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €26,00 EUR
Unit price €26,00  per  100g
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This 1-thread wicking yarn has just the right amount of high twist for reliable strength and an even stitch pattern. As a wicking yarn, it is luxuriously soft and suitable for all knits that are worn close to the skin. This yarn absorbs the pigments brightly and brilliantly and is mulesing-free.

How many Skeins do you need for what? 

You can knit a small scarf or hat with one Skein. You can knit a medium-sized shawl with two Skeins and a large shawl with three Skeins. For a sweater size. 38 you need 3 - 4 Skeins. This yarn is wonderful for colourwork projects. 

This is a hand dyed Skein of wool which means it is one of a kind. If you want to knit several Skeins of one color, I recommend knitting with two Skeins alternating rows. This way you get a more even result. If you have any questions about the article? I'll be happy to answer them!

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